Career Series Part 3: Resigning & Counteroffers

Well done on getting a new role! Handing in your resignation can be the most daunting part of the process, so here are some tips on how to do it in style.



90% of all counter offered candidates leave within six months as the underlying issues never go away. 50% become active on job boards within 60 days.

  1. Plan ahead. Write down what you want to say and list the reasons why just to remind yourself. If you need to practice it with a partner/friend, then do. 

  2. Be firm and assertive but always remain professional.

  3. Thank your manager for all their time and effort but reinforce that your mind is 100% made up and that you would like them to respect your decision.

  4. Have a resignation letter with you and get a leaving date confirmed.

  5. Be selective on the reasons why you're leaving or where you're going. This information will only be used to sell against your new opportunity.

Usually employers act in one of three ways when you hand in your notice:

  1. They may thank you for your time and hard work and wish you all the best in your next role. That's the easiest response to get as the employer has accepted your resignation. However, still make sure it's official with your resignation letter and leaving date secured.

  2. They may take it personally and be difficult about the whole situation. Fortunately, it's not that common, however you need to remain professional and rise above this. Remember, you're doing it for your best career interests. 

  3. They counteroffer. All of a sudden you gain a promotion and a pay rise due to your resignation. Sometimes this is enough to persuade an employee to stay on however beware that 90% of all counter offered candidates leave within 6 months as the underlying issues never go away. Just remember the reasons you started to look for a role in the first place.


  1. Your employer should pay you what you're worth from the beginning, not when you threaten to leave.

  2. If you accept a counteroffer, you'll always be considered a fidelity risk. You've already lost their trust and shown your lack of loyalty.

  3. Counteroffers are often made to give the employer time to replace you.

  4. While a counteroffer may make the situation more tolerable in the short term, your reason for wanting to leave still remains.

  5. Counteroffers are only made in response to a threat to quit. Are you prepared to threaten to quit every time you deserve better compensation?

  6. Decent and well-managed companies don't make counteroffers. We'll always advise you to decline counteroffers made to you by your current employer.